API browser of tarmedValidator100 COM module

/images/arrow_right.png ISearch interface V1.00/30 Aug 2002 
The ISearch interface allows browsing of and retrieval of detailed information from the Tarmed database. Searches can be performed by code or by name. The search terms may be specified in full, or may include wildcards. After a successful search, all of the available information directly related to the search term is made available through the interface"s properties. Inclusions, Descendants and allowed Combinations for a given code can also be retrieved.

Every method which starts with the name Search (for example SearchName255) produces as a result a selection list, composed of zero or more service records. The total number of records in the list can be retrieved using the method GetRecordCount. The record pointer is initially positioned at the first entry of the selection list. The available information related to the current record is made available through the interface"s properties. The methods MoveFirst, MoveLast, MoveNext, MovePrevious, PutAbsolutePosition, and GetAbsolutePosition are used to reposition the record pointer.

/images/arrow_right.png Methods 38 methods
CanExpand If this method returns true, the base service can be expanded to further service records (see Expand method from the IUtility interface).
CanHaveAdditionalServices Many codes represent base services with which additional services may be provided, such as OP utilization
CanHaveAnaesthesiaServices If this method returns true, anaesthesia services may be provided (see Anaesthesia method from the IUtility ).
FindCombination This method finds the first combination service for a base service.
FindCombinations Method for collecting all combination services of a base service in one call without the necessity to call iterator pair FindCombination / FindNextCombination
FindDescendant Method to find any services that are descendants of a base service using a recursive-decent approach
FindDescendants Method for collecting all services that are descendants of a base service in one call without the necessity to call iterator pair FindDescendant / FindNextDescendant
FindInclusion This method finds the first inclusion service for a base service
FindInclusions Method for collecting all inclusion services of a base service in one call without the necessity to call iterator pair FindInclusion / FindNextInclusion
FindNextCombination This method finds the next combination service for a base service.
FindNextDescendant Method to find any services that are descendants of a base service using a recursive-decent approach
FindNextInclusion This method finds the next inclusion service for a base service.
GetAbortInfo Get the abort information.
GetAbsolutePosition Gets the current absolute position of the record pointer in the selection list
GetAgeRestriction This method retrieves a possible age restriction interval of the service
GetFirstQualitativeDignity Retrieves the first qualitative dignity information.
GetFirstQuantityMultiSessionRestriction This method retrieves the first multi session quantity restriction for the service
GetMedicalRoleRestriction This method retrieves the medical role restriction for the service
GetNextQualitativeDignity Retrieves the next qualitative dignity information.
GetNextQuantityMultiSessionRestriction This method retrieves the next multi session quantity restriction for the service.
GetQualitativeDignities Method for collecting all qualitative dignity data of a base service in one call without the necessity to call iterator pair GetFirstQualitativeDignity / GetNextQualitativeDignity
GetQuantityMultiSessionRestrictions Method for collecting all multi session quantity restrictions of a base service in one call without the necessity to call iterator pair GetFirstQuantityMultiSessionRestriction / GetNextQuantityMultiSessionRestriction
GetRecordCount Gets the number of service records in the selection list.
GetServices Method for collecting all service records junk wise of the resulting search space in one call without the necessity to call the record positioning methods and the appropriate properties of this interface
MoveFirst Moves the record pointer to the first record in the selection list and makes that record the current service record
MoveLast Moves to the last record in the selection list and makes that record the current service record
MoveNext Moves to the next record in the selection list and makes that record the current service record
MovePrevious Moves to the previous record in the selection list object and makes that record the current service record
PutAbsolutePosition Positions the record pointer at the specified absolute position in the selection list
SearchAdditionalService This method searches for additional services which may be provided for a base service
SearchChapter This method searches for services which belong to the base chapter.
SearchCode This method searches for services by code
SearchName255 This method searches for services by the full service name.
SearchName35 This method searches for services by the service short name.
SearchPopular This method searches for services by popular name.
SearchServiceBlock This method searches for services which belong to the base service block.
SearchServiceGroup This method searches for services which belong to the base service group.
SearchSlave This method searches the slave services for a base service.
/images/arrow_right.png Properties 36 properties
[get] AdditionalServiceReferenceCode Gets a reference code from a service record set obtained by SearchAdditionalService.
[get] AnaesthesiaMin The time of an anaesthesia in minutes (including everything).
[get] AnaesthesiaRiskClass Maximal anaesthesia risk class code (see AnaesthesiaRiskClassType enumeration for possible values, an empty value indicates that the sevice does normally not need anaesthesia).
[get] ChangeMin Minutes in the context of change time (see the Tarmed documentation for details).
[get] Chapter Chapter code.
[get] Code Service code.
[put] DestructSearch Destructs/invalidates this ISearch interface instance
[get/put] DignityFilter Set/Get the dignity filter as specified in the ITarmedInput inteface for the responible physician.
[get] FindingsMin Minutes in the context of making findings (see the Tarmed documentation for details).
[get] InternalFactor_MT Scaling factor for the medical part.
[get] InternalFactor_TT Scaling factor for the technical part.
[get] KVGObligationCode KVG obligation code (see ICatalog interface ).
[get] MasterCode The parent code of the service code, if the service code is a slave
[get] MechanicCode Mechanic code
[get] MedicalInfo Medical information for the service (BLOB field).
[get] Name255 Full service name.
[get] Name35 Short service name.
[get] NamePopular Popular name of the service.
[get] NumAssistants Number of assistants needed for performing the service.
[get] PlaceMin Minutes in the context of room or location utilization (see the Tarmed documentation for details)
[get] PrePostServiceMin The time needed before and after the service expressed in minutes.
[get] Section Section code (see ICatalog interface ).
[get] ServiceMin The medical part of the service expressed in minutes.
[get] ServiceType Service type, see the ICatalog interface for a description of the meaning of this value
[get] SexRequired Sex information is required for the service.
[get] SideRequired Side information is required for the service.
[get] TechnicalInfo Technical information for the service (BLOB field).
[get] TP_Assistant Tax points for the assistant part of the service.
[get] TP_MT Tax points for the medical part of the service.
[get] TP_TT Tax points for the technical part.
[get] TreatmentType Treatment type (see TreatmentType enumeration for possible values, an empty value indicates that the treatment type does not matter).
[get] Unit Unit name (base unit).
[get] UnitCode Unit code (see Unit or ICatalog interface).
[get] UnitQuantity The quantity of base units which are included in the service.
[get] ValidFrom Get the validity start date of the current service.
[get] ValidTo Get the validity end date of the current service.